Are you a frustrated creative woman? Feeling that you can either have your passion or make money but not both? Business coaching specifically for creative women can really help us make money from our art and create a more magical and abundant life.

I’ve worked with a few women recently who come to work on one business but is quickly turns out that their soul is calling for something else and with my help and encouragement they quickly choose and manage to embrace both!

Karen finished her first novel!

One client came to work with me on a therapy business but while making great money there, her biggest achievement during the coaching was completing her first novel!

The lovely Helen joined my 12 month business coaching group last year and during that time, started to host art workshops and prioritise her own creative projects too. The photo is a collage I created at her first workshop!

Helen said..

“This year, Rosemary’s kind yet firm approach to business coaching for creative women has helped me gain a clearer vision of who I am and who my business is here to serve. From discovering my Branding and Money Archetypes to attending immersive coaching sessions in a small group of other small business owners, to weekly call ins, Rosemary’s business coaching has helped me navigate the ups and downs of being a one woman band.

I’m now combining creative and writing offerings, something I’ve dreamed of doing for eons!

The result? I’ve actually bitten the bullet and started to combine creative and idea-generating techniques, like collage, alongside my writing offering – something I’ve dreamed of doing for eons! Yet I nearly didn’t sign up to her year of business coaching support.

Rosemary could be just the kind of support and accountability partner you need.

Why? Because I felt overwhelmed. Overwhelm, confusion, fear, embarrassment. All reasons I needed business support. All reasons I’ve avoided seeking help too. Sound familiar? Then, Rosemary could be just the kind of support and accountability partner you need.

Helen Davis, artist and copywriter,

Why not book a call and see how business coaching can help you and your creative business?

If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like to have a chat about getting some support, you can ring me on 07967 121167 or email If you’re feeling brave and ready, you’re welcome to book a no pressure, 30 minute complimentary Discovery call here too! I really look forward to speaking to you!

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